About Us
We worship and glorify God with respect
We preach the Gospel and make disciples with God’s truth
We care and serve our community with love
“To build and raise a community of Christ’s disciples of all nations with Reformed Theology and Evangelical Spirit.”
Who We Are
We are a reformed evangelical church belonging to Jesus Christ, redeemed by His precious blood.
We faithfully honour and obey His authoritative word in the Scriptures.
We are a church centred on the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the only way to salvation and reconciliation with God the Creator and Redeemer.
We are a church rooted in the historical and true confession of faith tested throughout the global church's history.
We are a church witnessing the Gospel of Jesus Christ so that all nations may become His disciple.
We are a church actively involved in God’s mission of redeeming the world from the brokenness of sin.
Our Pastoral Team
Pdt. Effendi Susanto STh.
Senior Pastor
Seminari Alkitab Asia Tenggara, Indonesia
Kezia Wong BTh.
Kids Church and Worship Pastor
Southeast Asia Bible Seminary
Gerardus Gerry Yuwono
English Service Pastor
Current full-time MDiv student at Sydney Missionary and Bible College (SMBC)
Our Foundational Belief
“We believe that the Bible is God's revelation, consisting of 66 canonical books contained in the Old and New Testaments.”
Confessions of Faith
Apostles Creed
Nicene Creed
The Westminster Confession 1647
Larger Catechism 1647
Shorter Catechism 1647
Three Forms of Unity:
The Belgic Confession 1561
The Heidelberg Catechism 1563
The Canons of Dordt 1619