Hearing God's Voice

Preacher: Budi Kristianto

Series: Spiritual Disciplines

Bible Reading & Key Passage:

Deuteronomy 5:22-33, 2 Peter 1:12-21

Gathering: 11:30am Service

Listen on Spotify or Apple Podcast or below.


Sermon Divisions:

  1. God wants us to know him and to grow in our faith, knowledge, and love of him.

  2. Hearing God’s voice is not a one-off need, but a continuous need of every believer.

  3. We will do well to pay attention to what Scripture has revealed to us.

    We have many forms and ways we can apply this encouragement, among which are to read, study, meditate, rehearse, obey/practice, and share/ proclaim God’s word in our life.

Reflection Questions:

  1. Do you have any new year resolutions in the area of spiritual disciplines? What are they?

  2. Read 2 Peter 1:16-21. Why will we do well to pay attention to God’s Word or the prophetic word (of Scripture) and why is it akin to hearing God’s voice?


Experience the Joy of Prayer


Hold on to the Gospel Promise