Murder Begins in the Heart
Preacher: Gerry Yuwono
Series: The Ten Commandments
Key Passage: Deuteronomy 5:17; Matthew 5:21-26
Gathering: 11:30am Service
Listen on Spotify or Apple Podcast or below.
Sermon Divisions:
There is a time to kill, but there is no room for murder
Murder begins in the heart
Let us be peacemakers and not murderers
Reflection Questions:
Are you obsessed with murder mystery shows, crime stories (fiction or non-fiction), or even board games? Why or why not?
Read Deuteronomy 5:17 and Matthew 5:21-26 and discuss the following questions:
What have you understood about the sixth commandment?
How does Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:21-26) deepen our understanding of the commandment?
What does Jesus call us to do in Matthew 5:23-24?
Would you be a peacemaker?