Overcoming Covetousness

Preacher: Budi Kristianto

Series: The Ten Commandments

Key Passage: Deuteronomy 5:21; James 1:2-21

Gathering: 11:30am Service

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Sermon Divisions:

  1. To covet is to have a strong desire for something (usually of something or someone that does not belong to you) to the diminishing of your contentment in God.

  2. The prohibition to covet teaches us that at the heart of sin is a heart issue.

  3. Covetousness is a sin that gives birth to other sins, and all sins lead to death.

  4. No one who covets will be satisfied by what he covets for.

  5. We overcome covetousness by:

    • believing God and His promises

    • delighting in God’s word

    • asking God for wisdom and contentment

    • following the way of the cross (humility and generosity)

Reflection Questions:

  • Have you desired anything to the point you become discontent with what God has given you?

  • According to James 1, what is the source of trials and temptations and what is their purpose?

  • Do you agree that the fight against covetousness and for contentment is an issue of faith? Why or why not? How can you win this battle?


The Significance of the Reformation


Loving God as a Family