Preparing for the End Times (Part 1)

Preacher: Gerardus Gerry Yuwono

Series: Preparing for the End Times

Bible Reading: Matthew 24:1-14

Key Passage: Matthew 24:1-14

Gathering: 11am Service

Listen on Spotify or Apple Podcast or below.


Sermon Divisions:

  • Watch out that no one deceives you!

  • Do not be alarmed by what must happen in this world!

  • Stand firm to the end!

Reflection Questions:

  • What is your favourite movie adaptation of a book? Is it accurate to the book?

  • Based on Matthew 24:1-14, what are the signs of the end times?

  • In response to today's sermon, how can you prepare for the end times as a Christian?


Preparing for the End Times (Part 2)


Living a Life Dedicated to Jesus