The Friendship Worth Fighting For

Preacher: Gerry Yuwono

Series: Reformation Day

Bible Reading: John 15:1-17

Key Passage: John 15:9-17

Gathering: 11:30am Service

Listen on Spotify or Apple Podcast or below.


Sermon Divisions:

  1. Friends of Jesus, let us remain in his love.

  2. Friends of Jesus, let us remember his great love for us.

  3. Friends of Jesus, let us do what Jesus commands.

Reflection Questions:

  • Have you ever tried so hard for the sake of friendship?

  • Is Jesus your friend? Are you a friend of Jesus?

  • Why is friendship with Jesus worth fighting for?

  • How can you fight for your friendship with Jesus? If you have anything practical to share, do share.

  • How does your friendship with Jesus change the way you relate with other friends of Jesus?


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