The Heart of Christ
He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.
I think it’s fair to say that most of us tend to avoid people that we find are difficult to deal with. Why bother getting closer when we know conflicts are almost impossible to avoid? What’s the point of showing acts of kindness when they go unnoticed and unappreciated anyway? Why do we need to make so much effort, especially when we know the cost will most likely outweigh the reward? If we’re honest, we’d rather keep them at arm’s length and spare ourselves from any potential problems!
Fortunately, Jesus doesn’t operate like us. The Bible tells us that Jesus gave up His divine privileges and chose to humble Himself by being born as a man. Instead of clinging onto comfort and riches, He chose to come to this world and dwell among difficult, broken people like us. Jesus knew His life on earth wouldn’t be easy, yet He still willingly chose to draw near and have fellowship with us.
Jesus was willing to be rejected so that through His rejection we may find acceptance in the Lord. He was willing to be betrayed and hated so that we may understand and experience what true love is. He was willing to be crucified so that through His death, we may find true life and be reconciled to God.
As we approach the Advent season, let us prepare our hearts by reflecting and meditating on this wonderful truth: that while we were still God’s enemies, He drew near to us. Jesus didn’t wait until we were able to reciprocate His love. Even before He yielded any return, He paid a great cost to be with us by dying on the cross.
Dear Lord, would You please teach us to have the same heart as Christ and empower us to step out of our comfort zone for Your glory?