The Right Response to Christmas
Coming up to them at that very moment, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem.
Luke 2:8-38
There is something about Christmas that seems to bring more joy than other times of the year. Perhaps it is the big end-of-year sales, having family feasts, or the shutdown period for most businesses, allowing people to wind down and go on holidays with their loved ones. As Christians, we know there is a far bigger reason to celebrate and be joyful, but if we are honest, we often have gotten so comfortable with Christmas that our hearts have become calloused. The birth of Jesus no longer excites and fills us with awe as it used to, and we find more satisfaction in the material things this season offers.
The gospel of Luke reminds us once again what the right response to the good news of Jesus’ birth should be. In verses 8-21, we read about the shepherds’ response, who upon hearing the angel’s words, quickly went out to seek baby Jesus and praised God. Their hearts were filled with so much awe and wonder that they were compelled to share the good news with others. We then meet Simeon (vv. 22-35), a God-fearing man who has been waiting for years for the fulfilment of the promise. One can only imagine the joy he had after finally seeing and holding the fulfilled promise with his own eyes and hands, to the point that he was content to depart the world for eternal rest. And finally, there’s Anna (vv. 36-38), a devoted prophetess who spent most of her life in widowhood. Rather than letting loneliness and desperation prevail, her life was marked with worship and hope in God instead. Laying eyes on baby Jesus enhanced her joy and filled her heart with thankfulness, compelling her to encourage others who were longing for Jerusalem’s redemption.
I wonder if the same is true for us if this glorious truth about Jesus still captivates our hearts and causes us to marvel. At this time when Christmas is a season marked by a longing for material things, let us once again fix our gaze on Jesus today. For our sake, the God of the universe became a helpless babe for us so we can have eternal salvation. May our hearts be filled with joy and praises simply from looking at Jesus this Advent and be compelled to worship and share this wonderful news with others.