Experience the Joy of Fasting

Preacher: Gerry Yuwono

Series: Spiritual Disciplines

Bible Reading & Key Passage: Isaiah 58:1-14

Gathering: 11:30am Service

Listen on Spotify or Apple Podcast or below.


Sermon Divisions:

  • True fasting is not just about denying food and drinks

  • True fasting is about preparing our heart to follow God’s will, God’s desire and God’s purpose

  • You can experience the joy of fasting

Reflection Questions:

  • Which story in the Bible do you find most memorable? How does that story speak to you?

  • Isaiah 58:1-14 teaches us about true fasting. Is true fasting just about denying food and drinks? What is true fasting all about?

  • How can you apply the principles of fasting that you have heard in today's sermon to your personal life?


Finding Joy by Reading Together


Godly Giving