Finding Joy by Reading Together

Preacher: Budi Kristianto

Series: Spiritual Disciplines

Bible Reading & Key Passage: Nehemiah 8

Gathering: 11:30am Service

Listen on Spotify or Apple Podcast or below.


Sermon Divisions:

  • The gathering of the people of God is centred in the Word of God.

  • The understanding of the Word produces a divine joy.

  • The joy of the Lord is multiplied when the Word is practised together.

  • Jesus is the living Word that makes our joy complete.

Reflection Questions:

  • What motivates you to come to church or other gatherings of believers?

  • How have the reading together of God’s Word and the understanding that comes out of it impacted you?

  • In what ways can our church and our lives express the joy of the Lord as our strength?


Experience the Power of Praying Together


Experience the Joy of Fasting