Gospel Conversations May Shock You
Preacher: Gerry Yuwono
Series: Gospel Conversations
Bible Reading & Key Passage: Acts 13:1-13
Gathering: 11:30am Service
Listen on Spotify or Apple Podcast or below.
*The audio quality from 1:52-6:48 is poor due to technical issues*
Sermon Divisions:
Gospel conversations may shock you, but you should never hesitate to share the gospel,
Gospel conversations may shock you, because many false prophets have gone out into the world
Gospel conversations may shock you, because the Spirit of God is the spirit of judgement
Gospel conversations may shock you, but God is sovereign and merciful
Reflection Questions:
Do you have another name that people do not know about? What is the meaning of your name(s)?
Discuss the following from Acts 13:1-1:
Evidence that God will surely save His people and defeat his enemies (Psalm 110:1).
Evidence that it was God who proclaimed judgement through Paul and that verses 10-11 are not mere words of man.
Characteristics of false prophets.
Imagine that you are John Mark. This was your first mission trip, and gospel conversations shocked you more than you thought. Are you prepared to keep going? Why or why not?